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Megan Choritz and Tandi Buchan

SATURDAY 14 @ 15.00 - 16.00

Cape Town’s best loved and oldest improv troupe, ImproGuise will delight the whole family with a one-off, never to be repeated improv show. So completely improvised we don’t even know what to say about it.

Absolutely everything is made up in front of the audience, who will give the players suggestions. This performance promises to be the most fun spent in a theatre.

Megan, is a writer, playwright, actor, theatre director, improviser and facilitator, but improv is her first love. She is the founder of ImproGuise.  Tandi, actor, educator and improv facilitator, is the artistic director of ImproGuise

Municipal Auditorium
Ticket Prices:- 
Sat Matinee R200 | R180 (early bird)
R110 | R90 (early bird)
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