Joshua America (guitar), Dylan Tabisher (double bass) and Nathaniel Gates (trombone)
THURSDAY 12 @ 12.30 - 13.45
Three musicians from the Maties Jazz Society will present a selection of classical music and jazz especially arranged
for their unique orchestration. The programme will include works by Chopin, Beethoven, Hilton Schilder, as well as some original works. Joshua, a BMUS student in classical guitar, has a deep understanding of the instrument and a versatile musical style spaning classical and contemporary genres.
Dylan, a percussionist and bass guitarist, has won major competitions, including the ATKV Muziq and SAMRO
scholarships. He holds BMus, BMus (Hons), and MMus degrees, all Cum Laude.
Nathaniel, specializing in classical and jazz trombone, studied under Ian Smith and Nick Green and spent
a semester in Munich with Martin Zenker.