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Finuala Dowling and John Maytham
SATURDAY 14 @ 11.00 - 12.00
In this poetic guide to life and its inevitable end, John gives a virtuoso reading of Finuala Dowling’s sublime script which includes works by Nobel prize winners T.S. Eliot and Louise Glück.
Arrive depressed, leave smiling. Finuala, has published both poetry and novels, winning the Ingrid Jonker, the Olive Schreiner, the Herman Charles Bosman and the MNet prizes.
John presents the PM Drive on CapeTalk. Before joining the station in 1997 he was with the SABC, and spent some years as a freelance Africa reporter. That followed an indifferent decade as a jobbing actor. He can’t write poetry for toffee, but he does love reading it, and, even more, reading it aloud in company.
Municipal Auditorium
Ticket Prices:-
R140 | R120 (early bird)
Scholars R80 | R60 (early bird)
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